Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Day 8:Killer Klowns from outerspace wins the Kooky space race

Ahhh we got another good one and its PG-13 so go us this movie is about a guy his girlfreind and his girlfreinds cop ex boyfreind fighting killer alien Klowns and yes if the movie spells it like that so will I theres also another cop who thinks its a big prank on him . My one complaint about this movie is also a good thing that probably shouldnt bug me the people that die you dont want to die. I love how this movie never tries to take itself seriously unlike other goofy horror concepts(looks at Hellraiser 8) The music is also really good it has a really good theme song and its style is used in some scenes.Theres one scene where a Klown is riding a bike chasing a guy in a car where the music is just really catchy not many movies have music as good as this one. There spaceship is really nice its a giant circus tent and it has a neat little door system.The Klowns main goal is hilarious they put people in cotton candy cocoons to drink there blood there means of finding people balloon animal bloodhounds there means of killing people are also one of the best parts my favorite is the acid pies.There are also two brothers that are also hilarious and dont ever catch a break until the end they also kinda save the day with there ice cream truck near the end.I also think the fact they kept everybody good alive is a note alot more horror movies should take note of. Also how else would you kill a Klown....by shooting there nose and where do they hide...the Karnival...how do they kidnap the girl...a balloon. This movie is a definite watch so see ya next time.

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