Friday, October 25, 2013

Day 25:Jason X and Premarital sex

This movie is actually pretty good its got good kills an interesting concept and a great end,WEIRD RIGHT?It was made to continue the franchise during the movie "Freddy vs Jason"(great movie btw) was stuck in development hell,also sad story here this is the last film Kane Hodder plays Jason.Anyways lets watch JASON X DUN DUN DUUUUN. This movie starts out with Jason captured and about to be frozen but he escapes,this scene is just here to be awesome but I still love it and in the process of freezing Jason a girl gets frozen too.Then in SPACE FUTURE the two are found and both come back theres also a very creepy scene with the captain...I wont go into detail about.Jason is off killing but captain idiot thinks hes worth too much to lose,theres also a robot,some more girls,a nerd, and an awesome black guy. Im just gonna talk about some cool scenes and stuff cause there is no real plot in this film,my one complaint is that Jason doesn't become Uber Jason (thats what his new forms called) become that until the very end of the film. Ok so possibly my favorite scene is when Jason stabs a guy and he survives his blade going through him.Then another awesome scene is when the robot girl just completely destroys Jason causing him to become Uber Jason.Another rad scene is when SPOILERS Jason falls back into earth and into camp crystal lake.I also think the scene where hes in a holographic chamber where he sees the stereotypes from the earlier movies basically two girls saying they love premarital sex,it also brings back a past scene where he kills them in sleeping bags.This film is really good and I say deserves a sequel so thats all and see you tommorow,

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