Sunday, October 20, 2013

Day 20:The Evil Dead EXPLODING HEADS

Alright so THESE FILMS ARE MY FAVORITE FILMS OF ALL TIME I love every movie in the series and the remake Bruce Campbell ROCKS Sam Raimi ROCKS fun fact:I discovered evil dead beacause I watched burn notice and one day my parents were watching army of darkness(the third evil dead film) or Midevil dead and I thought it was Jason and the Argonauts at first and watched it and thats how I first saw and got into the film series so this film is probably my favorite film of all time. So lets watch this amazing film The Evil Dead it starts out with 5 teens in a car riding in a car to a cabin in the Tennesee woods also I loved these films before I knew they took place in tennesee and guess what I WAS BORN IN TENNESEE darn right.Anyways on the way there they almost crash into a truck because of the cars steering wheel also they all have names but screw those guys Ash Williams is the only one you need to remember.Anyways when they get to the cabin they go in and look around.The girl is sketching the clock in her room  and cant control her hand and draws a weird book looking thing with a face anyways thats the first weird thing. Ash and not main character 3 hear noises in the basement and check it out they see weird skull things and a recorder.They decide to bring it up stairs and to play the recorder after looking at the book of the dead and when everyone else wants to stop playing it not main character number 3 keeps going and brings a curse to them all WONDER WHY I DONT SAY HIS NAME.After this not main character number 3 goes outside very under dressed and is attacked and raped by the forest.....3...2....1...She really gave the woods wood,she probably was yelling OAK GOD OAK GOD,there relationship is gonna be sappy YEAH TREE JOKES she runs back after the tree wouldnt use a condom HA and says they have to go but suprise suprise the bridge is out so they cant leave so they have to stay the night.Ash also gave his girlfreind a necklace but thats not important to the plot AT AALLLL anyways not main character number 3 is now a deadite they dont call them this yet but thats what they are she stabs and attacks the other girls and they rest not main character 4 wants to leave but Ash wont leave anybody behind and anyways THEY ALL DIE yep noone but Ash survives its amazing the final part everyones possesed against Ash I wont divulge the ending and how he almost makes it (HINT HINT) and just watch it I COMMAND IT This film is better than any other film ever so WATCH IT WATCH IT WATCH IT and Im ou-GRAHHHHH

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