Thursday, October 2, 2014

Hellraiser 2 is a movie for you.

Okay Hellraiser 2, After all the deaths in the first movie Kirstie explains honestly and she obviously is believed because what happened in the first film was so likely to happen....END OF MOVIE. Nope she's put in an insane asylum and y'know one of the dudes is a psychopath who had been keeping track of Pinhead and other hell-y stuff so he ends up bringing back Julia from the last film,also Kirstie's dad tells her about hell and how miserable he is y'know just Dad stuff. Anyways there's a mute girl who solves puzzles who GUESS WHAT SHE OPENS ILL GIVE YOU A HINT IT'S HELL IN A BOX. So yeah Julia Satanist Doctor and Kirstie all go right into hell so does puzzle girl and Julia throws the doctor into a hell machine then her and Kirstie have a run in with frank who was then killed? I'm not sure how you die in hell but Julia got revenge on him and then it shows the doctor becoming a Cenobite then Julia dies and Puzzle girl and Kirstie escape hell sort of see a bunch of insane people like puzzle girl and Plant monster attacks the Cenobites become human Puzzle girl has back story revealed (the doctor killed her mom) and SOLVES HELL. Yep solved hell it was a puzzle  anyways the doctor did stuff I wanna go into more detail's just crazy. Either way it's the professor Layton of Hellraiser also there's a badass twist near the end too and it shows some cool stuff. See ya for Hellraiser 3 bye.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Hellraiser 3 Hell on earth is VIETNAM for what its worth

Alright this movie is about an investigative reporter who wants to do a story on the box and it's a genius spin on just someone finding the box or anything like that. The side characters are awesome and have there own identity and stories. It gives a reasonable explanation to Pinhead and overall it's really great. A club owner ends up buying the spinning tower thing from the first two movies and gets blood on it and guess what, it starts eating people. Yeah and honestly even the intentional dick was kind of a good character in it's own right. Also RANDOM VIETNAM DREAMS you'll know when you see it. The Cenobites in this one are decent but just kind of dumb, I will admit though it's pretty nifty how they made people that had died become them. Also there's a blood bath later on that's really friggin cool. You may be wondering why I'm not divulging out the plot to you is because even though it isn't the best plot ever I would rather not divulge too much on this one cause it could possibly ruin what it has going for it but I give it an 7/10 a C-.