Wednesday, January 29, 2014


GRRR RAZZAFRAZZA DINGLEDANGLE TCKTOCKLY GRRRR NINTENDO All I want is to have a Dialga in Pokemon Y but nope! Let me give you all my understanding of the situation (first hand data right here).Okay so in December nintydough added miiverse to 3ds anyone who doesn't know what that is I'll explain.When the wii u came out there was a system of communities who post stuff about games and draw doodles (which btw is awesome),And Nintendo integrated  that onto the 3ds  and it's all good but on Christmas due to all the new players for miiverse plus all the people who got 3dseseses for Decemberween getting on the e-shop = BOOOOM!!!! The e-shop crashes and Pokemon bank is delayed or at least that's what I've gathered from it.And it still hasn't come out so....NINTENDOOOO! COME ON NINTENDOOOOOO!!!!