Wednesday, December 18, 2013


Twas the Night before Christmas all was just right for Santa was flying all through the night,He gave gifts to the good boys and the good girls and there joy to him just meant the world. His sleigh and his reindeer were flying with haste for St. Nicholas would not be late,he gave and he gave after working all year but he did not know he'd soon fill with fear for evil would soon strike,and attack and the night would surely soon black.The ride was going well for the most till Santa thought he had seen a ghost at the precise moment he went over Transylvania he crashed into a giant wall and he had a bad fall.He knew he had to fight Dracula or he'd deck his halls.So in a constant rock version of jingle of the bells Santa raised up a fist to send that beast back to hell.He got out a stocking and filled it with toys and smacked Dracula in his face OH BOY.They fought for a short bit but Santa could barely take a hit,he ran into his sleigh and got up to full speed to beat Dracula he knew what he'd need. Dracula slammed his sleigh but it would not let up so Santa yelled "TAKE THIS GLUP!" as he threw out a carton of spoiled egg nogg he was back at his workshop and he took a great hop,right onto the roof he busted straight through,but luckily his elves figured out what to do. Dracula burst in but took form as a wolf as he let out a loud snarl and WOOF! The elves were not of threat to Dracula although one tried to stab his heart in the heat Dracula was about to pounce onto Santa when his sleigh crashed down NO DUH!
Santa ran outside if not for his sled he could of died,Dracula raised from the ground in a fog like form he flew in the air but wait there's more he then became a wolf and fell straight down on Santa he had felt defeated and thought he'd be bleeded but he knew he only needed a few more minutes so he yelled out "WAIT I'LL CONVINCE YOU KILLING ME IS SOMETHING YOU'LL DOUBT!!!" Dracula yelled  out and said "WHY OLD MAN THIS WAS ALWAYS MY PLAN!!!" Santa thought to himself and replied "Sure you caaaaan but I'm bad for or you could keep me to lead you to my wealth!" "NO I SHALL WAIT NO MORE I HAVE A WEALTH AND YOUR FLESH SHALL BE TORN!!!" DRACULA RAISED HIS WOLF CLAW AND STARTED TO SWING BUT SANTA GRABBED HIM AND GAVE HIM A FLING HE FOUND A SHARPENED CANDY CANE HOPING DRACULA COULD BE SLAIN BUT THEN HE REALIZED IT WAS ALL JUST IN VEIN BUT HE STILL CHARGED AND YELLED "YOU SHALL FEEL TRUE PAIN!" THE TWO CHARGED IN A FLASH AND SANTA'S FACE GOT MASHED Dracula said "Any last words?" and Santa loved knowing he did he said "Yes you should know this is the day you got killed YA DONE KID!" Dracula at first skoffed at such a remark but then the sun came out and he got hard.He had turned into stone Santa was saved he knew all he must do was survive till the day.Thats the end of our story I hope you enjoyed and btw Santa did go fast and deliver the rest of the gifts to girls and boys.

Monday, December 2, 2013


OMFG Ok so this is big news there are two videos in the works by Nsp Rhinoceratops v.s Superpuma and a song thats not on there album Dragon Slayer but then they've also just announced the rap album with Egoraptor so basically its the game grumps doing an album.SO YEAAAHHHH I mean its just awesome so check it out it rocks.